Wednesday, January 20, 2016

                                          Love your skin again....

Come experience the Hydrafacial!

        Nourish Your Skin with Health and Hydration!!

Get a totally awesome experience.  Deep Pore cleanse with extractions. Gentle but effective peel with an infusion of antioxidants....
Lastly, the LED light is added to stimulate and circulate the collagen.  The entire treatment slows down the aging process and your skin will glow for days......

Visual results on your first treatment!!


Call and reserve your treatments today!!

Beaus Clinical Skincare

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

$100.00 OFF Permanent Cosmetic Procedures

Get The Look You Want & Keep it 24 hours

Absolutely Beautiful ……

Now you can make a lasting difference in your appearance simply and safely.

Promo ends January 30th, 2016

(Promotion does not apply for touch-ups or partial procedures)

This procedure can add fullness and definition to thin or sparse eyebrows. Permanent eyebrows frame your eyes and lend expression to your face. Those with Alopecia are grateful for this “face defining” procedure.

Permanent eyeliner can be anything from a soft haze to a darker, more defined effect. With this procedure, you always wake up looking your best. This is the perfect answer for those with allergies, contacts, movement, eye problems, or simply to save time.

Permanent lips can give more fullness and definition to the mouth, as well as correct an uneven lipline. It can even minimize the appearance of wrinkles. Pigment can create a natural tone or a more visible color.

For More Information: 

Or call 214-272-7258